I’m Patti Stueland
Life & Career Coach, Motivational Speaker
and Life-Cycle Celebrant

You’re in the driver’s seat of your life! Get ready to change lanes and forge a new path for your life!

In her TEDxWilmingtonSalon talk, Patti Stueland discusses something that every living person has in common and how to optimize your D.A.S.H. Patti Stueland is living her best DASH!
Discover your new path and purpose in life!
The purpose of my services are to create a path for you to discover your own personal transformation by finding your new passion and purpose for your next “season” of life! My programs assist you in goal setting, positive affirmations and visualization techniques, along with improving your self love and self care habits and much more!
Are you ready to see how you can:
Live your best life
Discover what you're truly passionate about
Maximize your goals into a new career
Passion & Purpose
Live a life that you are passionate about and each day you wake up, you know what your purpose is all about!
Goal Setting & Vision Boards
As we go through life, it is important to set new goals for the different stages in our lives and to bring those goals to life through the use of vision boards.
Life-Cycle Celebrant
Officiating “Life’s Special Moments.” Whether it is celebrating a new life together with someone, or a celebration of someone’s life, you want those ceremonies to be personal and have lots of meaning!
Motivational Speaker
If you want your team, business, club or group to get fired up and excited about their purpose this is definitely the right place to be!
What Is Life Coaching & Career Coaching?
Who is it For?
When you are finding that you no longer want to stay in your current career/job, or due to unforeseen circumstances you find you need to transition from one career to another, and you need to take a new path in life, I am a “Pathfinder!” I assist you in changing lanes and forging a new path for your life through my “Pathway of Hope: A New Beginning!” Online course!
It's the journey to discovering a new you!
Learning what you want next out of your life!
Beginning to learn how to take a new path and create a future full of new adventures!
The value of self care and believing in yourself!
“So, get out of park, put yourself in drive, hit the gas, and start your journey!”
– Steve Olsher
It’s Your Turn! Live A Well Lived Life! Forge A New Path! Find Your Passion!
You deserve the best that life can offer you! There are so many bumps in the road of life and I can help you to forge a path for your life that brings you new passion, purpose a plan to make it happen and then put it all into play for a new season of life just for you!